Each day 10,000 humans are born in the U.S. – and each day 70,000 puppies and kittens are born. As long as these birth rates exist, there will never be enough homes for all the animals until we can get a handle on these alarming birthrates!!
A SINGLE unspayed female cat, her mate and all of their offspring,producing 2 litters per year, with only 2.8 surviving kittens per litter can total:
9 years: 11,606,077 According To TheThe Humane Society of the United States
The Estimated number of cats and dogs entering shelters each year: 6-8 million The Estimated number of cats and dogs adopted from shelters each year: 3-4 million
The number of unadopted CAN And Will Be Reduced Through Spay/Neuter Programs !